2020 TWNSS Annual Meeting

Registration has already begun, and the number of places is limited. Please register quickly.

This conference also provides a poster presentation session, which is an excellent opportunity to publish your research related to neutron experiments.

Join now: Link

Please use the postal transfer to the account of the Taiwan Neutron Science Society and contact twnss2020@gmail.com after the registration is completed.

Please use the format of [Register Name]-[Affiliation]-[Name of Transferee/Remittance Account 5 Codes]-[Dash Transfer Date] to facilitate reconciliation. Thank you.

Please send a letter to make the notice if more than one person merges the remittance(Please fill in the name of each person in [Register Name]).

為配合中央流行疫情指揮中心指示 : 提醒與會人員在出入無法保持社交距離、或會密切接觸不特定對象之人潮擁擠或密閉空間(如 : 大眾運輸、接駁車輛、教育學習場所、展演競賽場所及大型活動)時,請佩戴口罩。


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